American Freedmen Society
What is your age?
What is your gender?
What is your highest level of education completed?
What is your current employment status?
What is your zip code?
How would you rate the current economic opportunities in your community?
What are the biggest barriers to economic success in your community?
What types of economic development programs would benefit your community the most?
Considering how much you are paying for rent or mortgage, are the conditions of your current housing?
How much of your income are you paying in housing? (Divide the amount you pay in rent or mortgage by your gross monthly income (before taxes are withheld) and multiply by 100). This will tell you the percentage (%) of your income you spend on housing. If this number is greater than 30% you’re “cost burden”. If the number is greater than 50%, you’re “severely cost burden”.
What are the main housing challenges you face? Check all that apply:
What types of housing initiatives would you like to see? Check all that apply:
How would you rate your access to quality healthcare in the area?
What are the primary health concerns in your community? Check all that apply:
What health services or programs are most needed in your community?
How would you rate the quality of education in your community?
What are the main educational challenges you and your family face? Check all that apply:
What types of educational initiatives would you like to see?
Did you vote in the previous City Council and School Board election held May 21, 2024?Did you vote in the previous City Council and School Board election held May 21, 2024?
Did you vote in the last Mayoral, City Council, and School Board election held May 21, 2022?
If you said no to both questions above, what was the reason for your non-participation
What types of civic engagement initiatives would you support? Check all that apply: